Dehradun, August 21, 2023 - In a heartwarming show of unity and support, the city of Dehradun gathered at Gandhi Park to bid farewell to Anurag Saini, an intrepid adventurer who is embarking on a record-breaking run from Leh to Manali. The event, organized by Anil Mohan from Sarmang Adventure Tours, was not only a celebration of Saini's remarkable journey but also a tribute to the nation's heroes and a fundraiser for "Bharat ke Veer," a noble cause close to many hearts.
The atmosphere was electric as enthusiastic supporters and well-wishers assembled at the park on the evening of August 21st. The event was graced by the presence of esteemed guests, including Retired Sai coach Mr. Gurphool, a senior member of the Dehradun Runners Club, who shared his blessings and best wishes for Anurag Saini. The event also saw the participation of notable figures like Capt. Manish, Ms. Reeta, Jitendra Gupta, Lalit Joshi, Alok Chettri, Vinod Saklani, Ajay Yadav, Vikas Yadav, Anil Sharma, Cyclist and Runner Capt. Gopal Rana, Kapil Tara Thapa, and Vandana, along with the famous ultra-runner Shashi Mehta.
The ceremony was a heartfelt gesture of encouragement for Anurag Saini as he embarks on this inspiring journey. The run itself is not only about setting records but also serves as a powerful tribute to the brave martyrs of the nation. Moreover, the event aims to raise awareness and funds for the "Bharat ke Veer" initiative, reflecting the participants' commitment to honoring those who have sacrificed for the country.
Anurag Saini's remarkable journey is backed by the support and encouragement of countless individuals who recognize the significance of his endeavor. As the event concluded, the atmosphere was one of hope, unity, and a shared commitment to making a positive difference.
The event proved to be a testament to the spirit of unity and camaraderie that defines Dehradun. Anil Mohan, the Race Director, expressed his gratitude to everyone who attended and participated, highlighting the importance of such events in fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.
As Anurag Saini begins his challenging journey from Leh to Manali, he carries with him the blessings, hopes, and support of an entire community. The event at Gandhi Park, Dehradun, stands as a shining example of how collective efforts can create an environment of positivity, inspiration, and progress.
#SupportBharatKeVeer #GandhiParkDehradun #InspiringJourney