Mission 1 Million by 2025

Mission 1 Million by 2025

%It is the mission of Sarmang adventure tour to connect 1 Million by people to nature 2025 by various activities.


We humans and every living organism on this earth get each and every thing from nature. There is nothing man made, all are made by nature, the raw material for anything and everything is from nature. We humans just convert one thing to other. Like we convert soil to briks. briks to buliding. Building is man made but all the things required to build the building is from nature, even the one who is making it, the humans are also from nature. We are in use of natural resourses all the times.

Humans are the one who are disturbing nature through their anti-nature activities like overuse of natural resources, polluting natural resources, emitting more and more cardon dioxide every day, throwing plastic all over, cutting down the forest covers and many more anti nature activities.

So, Sarmang Adventure Tour aim to get people close to nature and make them understand how important nature and natural resources are for human beings and other live creatures. Once we came closure to nature, we realise the importance of nature and natural resources, we respect it, protect it, conserve it and try to use it as wisely as we can.

We organize various activities and adventurous tours in Himalayan region. Our tours includes Nature Walk, Village Walk, Village Stay, Nature Stay, Star Gazing, Cycling Tours, Motor Biking Tours, Corporate Adventure Tours